UI/UX Design & Development


We provide integrated interface design and development services from providing design strategy consulting to front-end implementation to maintenance and support. TechLogic’s comprehensive user-centered design approach comprises of the framework to select the most suitable techniques for research, analysis, articulation and prototyping.


User research is at the heart of designing a good user experience. User research looks at how users perform tasks and find needed information, and seeks to learn about their requirements and goals for a product, application, or website. User research leads to a deeper understanding of your user’s needs and whether these needs are being met.

The User Personas will be created based on the research to ensure the users were understood and thought of across the company from product development to sales.

Visual Design (UI):

We provide a compelling experience which showcases your brand identity in every facet of your communication. We have an unique and interesting approach for visual design. At every stage of the creative process we offer flexible, comprehensive design solutions capitalizing on our experience, skill and versatility to meet and exceed the needs of our clients.

Our visual designers provide you with exceptional design services ranging from infographics, corporate branding, and print illustrations for diverse industries.

Usability Testing:

Usability Testing generally includes testing user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). With Usability testing, client could simply obtain the main pain points impacting conversion. Along with this, the main objective of our Usability testing is to track if users are able to consume the information available on your software product easily and accomplish the tasks and desired action without any hassle.

We carry out a thorough performance evaluation that puts every component under the microscope, and carefully analyzes every stage of the process.

Information Architecture & Wireframes:

Information Architecture Wireframes are the tools TechLogic uses to bridge the gap between users and product/software application. Utilizing line-drawn screen layouts without the aesthetics, wireframe screens allow us to evaluate functionality and user flows in tangible ways. We make rapid design iterations based on the input from the client’s team.

At TechLogic, the development of a sound information architecture organizes the functions and features into a systematic structure that maximizes both the intuitiveness of the UI and the learnability of the user experience.

 Front End Coding:

The TechLogic Front-end Development department specializes in bringing beautiful web browsing experiences to life. Our team of expert developers provide a thorough and detailed approach to building customized cross-browser, cross-platform web sites and web applications. We use a wide array of the latest front end technologies.

We also offer single page applications (SPAs) that provide fast, highly interactive web pages, which in turn provide an optimal user experience by updating content without reloading the entire page on each click.